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The Sakae Japan Internship Program matches you with an internship based on what makes you unique. We consider information obtained from your registration form and Skype interview, such as your past experience, current skills, which field you would like to work in, and how long you are available for an internship. Internships span across numerous industries including IT, engineering, marketing and finance, education, hospitality, and more. Internship lengths vary from short-term internships (which last between one and three months) to long-term internships (aimed at recent graduates, lasting between six months to a year).

Generally speaking, in order to be matched with an internship through the Sakae Japan Internship Program, one must be currently enrolled in or recently graduated from an international university. If you have any questions about your particular circumstances and/or qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Sakae Japan Internship Program does not charge applicants and interns for its services. In fact, depending on each host company and their particular arrangements with the intern, housing and airfare expenses are usually also covered. Interns are typically only responsible for personal expenses, such as food and recreation costs. Because our program is supported by our parent company and our affiliates, the program itself requires no registration or enrollment fees from program applicants.

All matching services, support, and post-internship career counseling provided by the Sakae Japan Internship Program are provided without a program fee. No payments are ever made from the intern to us. Really!

When submitting your registration form, the only required document is your resume. Should you feel that there are other documents which would strongly help your application, you may attach them directly to the registration form, or send them via email by replying to any message from us. Once we review your application and begin individual support, we will be in contact with you regarding any additional information that may be necessary.

Should any emergencies occur during your internship, please first contact police (Dial 110) or the fire department/ambulance (Dial 119) if necessary. Please also make sure to immediately contact us to let us know about the situation and so that we can help you with what to do next.

As a rule of thumb, the further out from your prospective start date, the better it is to apply. Each company follows its own timeline with relation to the intern hiring process, so it’s important to keep this in mind when considering important dates and deadlines.

The start date and length of internships vary depending on the company and the nature of the program arranged for you. If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Due to the nature of our internship matching process, the Sakae Japan Internship Program regretfully cannot guarantee each applicant an internship. SJIP helps match applicants to internship programs, and does not officially offer applicants a position at any of our affiliated companies. We work with companies and applicants to make sure that interns are a good fit for companies before they meet, however applicants are still subject to each company’s own interview process. The host companies make the final decision regarding the viability of the candidate. That said, should an internship not come to fruition even after entering the interview stage, we make sure that applicants are quickly on track to find opportunities at any number of our other affiliated companies.

For many companies, some level of fluency in Japanese is required. However, depending on the company, the exact level of fluency necessary can vary greatly, and internships which require no Japanese ability do exist. We make a point to ascertain each applicant’s level of Japanese so that they are never placed in an environment where they are unable to communicate with their peers.

The Sakae Japan Internship Program provides internship matching services and support for those looking to start as soon as possible. Simply tell us when you would like to intern, and we will do our best to pair you with one of our partner companies. However, note that internships are subject to availability, especially if you would like to intern for a long period of time.

The Sakae Japan Internship Program also assists interns with finding housing for the duration of their stay in Japan. Depending on the company, interns may stay in stay in company dorms during their internship.

The first step to applying is filling out our registration form. After you have submitted your form, we will be in contact with you directly through either email or Skype to further discuss the application process, and begin supporting you.

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